
your guardian angel [ 2 ]

“ The kids might hear Jay “ Raseel whispered to her friend

“ Raseel this is a big deal ! when are you going to leave this guy ? don’t you think he crossed the line ? “

“ No Jay he’s a good guy wallah he is .. he just gets angry sometimes , everyone gets angry “

“ But they don’t do this ! you must be crazy for putting up with this for 2 years , who does this ass think he is !? if you don’t do something about it , I WILL “

“ Jood , you and I both know what happened last time someone tried to interfere “

Jood sat quiet for a while , she remembered when she told her cousin Faisal to talk to msa3ad about his behavior because she found out they were once friends , Msa3ad acted all cool and nice but once he was alone with Raseel , his bad side came out again hitting her and accusing her of cheating on him with Faisal or otherwise how did he know everything ?

Even though Raseel tried and tried to make him understand what was going on , msa3ad just wouldn’t listen

Few weeks later msa3ad still didn’t let it slide , he made a deal with some of his friends to beat the hell out of Faisal once they found him , after they were done with Faisal no one ever suspected Msa3ad had to do with anything , Msa3ad’s way was to act like the nice person he’s not when he’s around people but not with Raseel

Ofcourse Raseel and Jood found out about what happened to Faisal and instantly knew who was to blame , but poor Faisal thought who hit him were just a couple of crazy dudes who were bored

“ But babe we cant just sit here and do nothing , at least call the police ! “

“ And what Jood ? what can they do to him ? you know wo Msa3ad’s father is , they wont even bother to do anything “

Msa3ad’s family was very powerful and well known in all of Kuwait, and every one knows what the rich and powerful can do , just using his name as a weapon Msa3ad is capable of anything and everything

“ I know he’s good deep down Jood , he just doesn’t know how to express his feelings in other ways ..”

“ Don’t make up excuses for him Raseel “

“ Kiids ! its story telling tiiiiimmmee ! “ Mrs. Philipe called out interrupting the girls’ serious conversation

“ We’re not done here you know “ Jood whispered

“ Oh lets just go listen to what cute stories the kids want to tell “ Being Raseel she had that huge smile on her face like nothing went wrong

“ what about YOUR story , whose going to listen to that ? “ Jood whispered again

“ Jay not today please , not today .. im here to have fun “

Jood kissed her friend’s right cheek and they both walked in to see the children , not noticing Raseel’s mobile phone in the garden were they sat

After having a blast at the nursery , it was time to go home

Raseel got into her car and searched in her purse for her mobile , it wasn’t long until Mrs. Philipe rushed towards her

“ Oh Raseel dear , you left this in the garden it just didn’t stop ringing ! “

“ Thanks Mrs. P, you’re a life saver “

After Mrs. Philipe was gone , Raseel checked the phone screen

30 missed calls , 2 messages

“ Uh-Oh “
And before she could catch another breath

Knock Knock !

“ OH MY GOD ! “ she almost screamed at the sight of Msa3ad waiting for her to open the window

She opened the window slowly afraid of what he might say

“ Enty wainich ballah ? matgooleelee laish matredeen !? la w ashkaarah maska el talefoon b3d ! 3amdan ma tredeen y3ny ? “

“ 7yaty wallah knt naseeta da5il ! tawnee ashoofa “

“ Wana shelly yathbetlee ? “
“ Laish mared 3laaik 7beebee ? “

“ Madree wallah you tell me ! , gilt mako ila ayee ashoof shfeech zain gaylatlee innich hnee ba3ad wela chan sar yoomich aswad “

“ Sorry Sa3oodee ..” She gave him a puppy face

“ 7a9al 5air .. , you look beautiful in that white dress by the way “ he smiled at her

It was scary to her how Msa3ad changed mood’s , one time he loved her and treated her like a princess , other times just weren’t as great

“ Thank you “ she blushed , inspite of everything he did she loved him , she couldn’t hate him and she didn’t know why

Raseel believed that every person is good at heart , but sometimes the circumstances just didn’t help and she believed she could

“ yalla ana al7een rayi7 3ndee shwayat shi’3il , awal ma too9leen el bait deggay 3lay ok galbee ? “ he brushed her cheek with his finger , Raseel shivered at the touch of his finger .. she remembered what those hands did to her last night and her whole body ached

“ inshallah , “ she answered

He moved away from her car and got into his , she drove off slowly still shivering and scared , she was having flashback’s of all those times Msa3ad gave her a hardtime beating her up and calling her names , it was nothing close to forcing her or raping her or anything like that , he just couldn’t control himself when he was angry

As she dozed off thinking about her life , she remembered her childhood ..

Playing with the swings and her loving father pushing her , her mother sitting on the wooden chair reading a romance novel and Josephene putting down her famous lemon juice on the table

Her father then would help her plant beautiful flowers in the garden and name every single one of them and when it was time to go back inside he would left her up in the air and put her on his back , she loved it when he did that , she loved her father and she loved her childhood

She cried at the memory of him , at the memory of his sickness and her fear of not being able to see him again if god forbid something goes wrong ..

She was so sad and her eyes were filled with so many tears that she didn’t clearly see the road ahead , and before she knew it



  1. Omg it sounds like a love-hate relationship!! I hope nothing serious happens to her!! I loved the post=)
    Please post soon and don't keep us waiting!

  2. i love it!!!.. bss Ms3ad scares the heck out of me ;s!
