
Once upon a lie 16

Helllooooo bloggers !!

Okay i know some of you might be mad at me bas wallah things were CRAZY ! ma gedart ashbik wayed w i couldn't post for you guys bs i promise i'll try harder to write you the best posts ever

Again ! am sorry and i love you all SO MUCH w i missed you and your comments ;(

Hope you enjoy this



Previously : AbdulWahhab left the Shalaih with his friends after Shai5a also left with hers , leaving him a letter on the doorstep explaining how she had a wonderful time and that if fate was kind enough .. they'll see each other again.


I woke up the next day on my bed feeling relaxed and calm after a goodnight's sleep. Even though i left 3baid's house late the previous night i slept in this morning and it felt great. My covers felt smooth and warm against my dark tanned skin , One of my legs stretched out of the cover along the wide mattress and i took a moment to yawn and take in the view around me , having spent two weeks at the Shalaih i liked being back at my own place.

I had a dream about her ..

Maybe it was too soon for me to miss her this much but i did. I missed the sight of her long dark hair , i missed the matching color of her eyes and her scent ..

I dreamt about her swimming around me , smiling and torturing every single stream of blood inside my veins. I couldn't do anything but stare , mesmerized and numb. She had that effect on me even when i was asleep and dreaming ..

As soon as i took a minute to turn over and stretch out some more , i felt a huge figure jump in and my entire bed felt heavy

" Afaaaaaaaaaaaa whayyiiiib ent lel7een nayim ?! " 3baid's voice came piercing my ear , i didn't even have time to blink

" Yaaaaaaallaah 9ba7 5air " I mumbled through my lazy lips

" Yalla goom goom " My bed was shaking , 3baid was on his knees going up and down like an excited kid

" Yaaaa 7abeebee ent ! wain agoum ? "

" Whayyib ENQETHNEE! "

" Shfeek?! "

" Bacher 3eed milad el 9a7ba wana ma sharait shay! wala 3arif shnu bashteree "

" Went mthayi3 bedal la troo7 ts2alha yay tne6 3ala sereeree ana ? "

" Ya5ee ma3arf ! manee daree sh'bashteree "

" W mn galik ana el 5abeer ? "

" Whayyib tkfa tkfa ! n5aitik ! " He was jumping up and down as he said it and it made my head go dizzy , it was VERY hard to ignore him

I gave him a death stare " Tdree wedde a9ikkik rashdee 3baaaaaid bs masik nafsi mabee aliffik eb gara6ees w awadeelik yaha hadeyya t5are3ha eb 3eed miladha "

" Hahaaaaaaaaaaaay 7abeebee wallah " He grinned at me and i jumped out of bed running to the bathroom

I've been to malls.. Many of them. But i never really endured more than 15 minutes in them. All the rush , the noise, chicks rushing from one store to another ..

It was a prohibited mystery for me , I never got it and i really didn't want to. I tried to work in one of the shops in a mall back in Canada but that didn't quite workout..

I mean , who knew that throwing a product at a guy (who by the way asked me to bring it for him from the storage room over 75 times and left the store when i finally got up and got it for him) was a crime that could get you banned from somewhere?

" What do you think of this? " 3baid held up a silver bracelet with a little red apple dangling from the end of it

" Baby i told you am more of a banana type of person "

He frowned at me and punched my arm " C'mmon dude , i want to get her something nice"

" La wallah am serious now , i think she's gonna like this "

" Good " He smiled and put it down again , he looked SO happy ..

I could tell he enjoyed doing this for his special girl , it was obvious he was crazy about her

I smiled as i watched him tell the lady at the counter to wrap it nicely , he was so excited. Knowing he was already imagining the look on his girlfriend's face ,i didn't
want to ruin his moment.

We got out of the store and into the wildness of the mall again ,

A group of guys were following a couple of girls in skinny jeans and funny colored tops , a father running after his kid who was wandering happily with his tiny little feet and a group of girls were blabbing happily about something .. i had no idea what it was.

3baid wanted to get a drink so i patiently waited on the other side of the cafe line when i spotted a tall , long haired girl glance at me then turn and walk away quickly

I tried to take a good look at her but i couldn't! my heart began racing and i was too scared of the possibilities ..

I didn't do much thinking , my legs were already on their way after her

I tried hard to focus on her long locks and follow where she was leading .. but the place was too crowded and for some reason i couldn't catch up with her

She finally appeared beside the elevator but i still couldn't see her face. But when i was close enough, the steel doors have opened and she was already in

No , i thought, please wait !

Before i could take another step i bumped into something , small and delicate

" Sorry " i automatically said without looking. Disappointed that my target was already gone , i finally looked down to see a blushing young lady looking up at me with eyes sparkling and a grin on her tiny face

She was a little younger than me , big lazy eyes decorated with a thick black line just on top of them , a small round nose and the hair was in carefully polished waves. The girl was cute and she had the attention of many guys but she wasn't my type ..

" Am .. sorry miss .. i didn't mean to .. "

" It's okay " She was still grinning and her face seemed awkward , I frowned and tried to smile " Okay then , "

I slowly backed away taking a last glance at the elevator which was already closed , leaving the short blushing lady behind me

" Wain re7t? " i found 3baid back at the cafe with his drink in hand

I didn't exactly know how to answer , but i was pretty sure my face explained what i couldn't say

" Dude , you okay? you look like you've seen a ghost "

" Oh am pretty sure i have , i saw a girl who i thought was Shai5a .. "

3baid smiled " I can't believe she got you like this .. " He shook his head then smiled again " Well ,was she ? "

" I don't know she disappeared "

" Dude , don't tell me you're imagining her now "

" No man that's too ' romantic movies ' for me " I frowned and shook my head

" Alright good , Did she see you ? "

" She was looking at me , i only saw half of her face .. and maybe a smile ..? "

He suddenly slapped my shoulder " Let's get you out of here before you go crazy bro "

We headed for the parking lot when suddenly 3baid froze, His face looked like he ate something expired and his voice was gone

" Shfeek? " I asked , but my answer was a bag punched down at my packs

I got that he wanted me to hold it for him

" '3ala .. " he suddenly said looking at something behind me

I turned around to see the cutest girl with short brown hair down to the end of her ear which was decorated with two piercings ,up and down. Her eyes glowing under her bob and a big shiny smile on her white face and .. Uh-oh ..

She was with that girl i bumped into a few minutes ago

" Baby " Her grin was bigger when she approached Abdullah " What are you DOING here?"

" Uhh .. i was with My cousin.. just getting some stuff for his nephew.. " 3baid was a BAD liar , i mean BAD

Like The definition of a bad liar was invented just for him , i rolled my eyes and hoped for the best

I heard her giggle and her voice was just lovely. She took a glance at me then turned back to him saying something i didn't hear , I instantly knew why 3baid was so crazy about this girl .. And i didn't blame him.

I noticed that the girl i bumped into was still looking at me , also with that smile ..

I swallowed and tried to fake a smile which am sure turned into something frighting..

I wasn't good at these stuff at all

When they parted , 3baid came towards me breathing again ,thank god.

" Dude what happened to you ? " I asked

" I was holding a Jewelery Shop's bag which was meant for her birthday that i didn't want her to know about Whayiib rakkez willi y3afeek "

" Oh yeah , right 3ashan chthy gitlaha it's for MY nephew " i laughed , " The look on your face though .. PRICELESS "

He gave me the death stare

" So anyway i think her friend REALLY likes you " He continued

" Oghh " My face wasn't quite happy with that comment , i looked like i smelled something bad

3baid instantly laughed at me " NOW Wahhab ? YOUR face is priceless "

I punched him and pushed him to car

I didn't have a problem with a girl liking me i seriously didn't! I was used to that..

But now? now i had a certain girl in MY mind ..

And she didn't seem to leave it alone


Once upon a lie 15

Hello my lovely readers !;*

According to the request of my beloved Taboula and to you my lovely peeps ra7 asawee shay yedeed 3ashaan aqalil mn mo3anatkom ma3ay ;p

I know i don't post as frequently as i should bs walah am getting really busy ;(

Sooo! 3ashan la tet3eboun w t7awloun tathkeroun shno sar eb my last post ra7 aktiblikom briefly what happened in the previous one !

Lovekooooom and sorry again walah ;p ;*



-Previously ( part 14 )

I stood there for a little while watching her gracefully dancing through the water and found myself in a daze. I hurried to the shore and jumped in

" Ambai! " She popped up again holding her hand close to her chest " Wayed 5eft! WAYED! "

" You swim beautifully "

" It's what i live for .. I won a golden medal once , but i never got in any contest again after that "

" May i .. please take you to lunch? "

" But i'd love to sit down for a picnic on the beach with you "

" So .. You're not going to give me your phone numbeR? " I asked

"I'll tell you what .. am sure you'll come back here with your friends soon , and i will too. If we're meant to see each other again here at the exact same spot we first saw each other , then we'll see where we go from there. Then , i'll be more than glad to give you my number "


I went back to the Shalaih where the guys were sitting playing cards. As soon as they saw me , they stopped and their woow-ing and whistling filled the room

I could feel my stomach flip funnily . Honestly , i was too happy to care for their usual teasing

" la laaaaa 5athat 3agla mn al7een ! shouf wayhaa! " 3ammar commented

" Ashouf?!! Eeeeee 3adiiiiil maloomik Whayyib wallah " Salim told me

" Ta3al ta3al bs ma 3alaik minhom , ta3al el3ab w goulina sh9ar " 3baid pulled a chair for me

" B3333d ! agoulikom sh9aar ? "

" Aham shay sa2altly 3n el motaar wela laaaa222? " 7amanni asked

" Eskitt ent lajaitna! 3ndik mowater ma9ani3 almanya kilha w ham mako fayda !" 3ammar threw a card at him and 7amanni made a face

I laughed and joined them

" Ma tbe tgoulina sh9ar y3nY? " Salim was staring at me like a lovesick puppy

" Shagoulik ent el thani ?! "

" Did you at least go to second base? "

I stared at him for a little while , then grabbed the nearest pillow i could find the threw at him " El3ab bs el3ab "

We spent our last night doing a Barbecue out front and sweet old tunes were coming through the speakers. I did listen to a few classic Khaleeji tunes back at Canada and i was a big fan

But i can't remember the last time i related to any of them , not since Kenzii passed away anyway ..

Rwaished , 3abdo, 3bdelmajeed and Rashid were my ultimate favorites. I related to their passion , emotion and sensibility when preforming each and every song

Not necessarily having experienced what they had but listening to them , you might as well have ..

3bdallah was checking if the coal was still good , 3ammar was preparing more Skewers and 7amanni and Salim were by the porch each in his own thought trying to get in the mood of every song

As we were all too busy we heard sweet feminine melodies of laughter come through carried by the wind. We looked around to see a bunch of young ladies making their way through the sandy ground , giggling and stealing a few peeks at us

One of them murmured something to her friend and they both turned around to a girl on the left corner behind them who shushed them , trying to avoid eye contact with me and the guys

I smiled instantly as soon as i knew who it was. They were coming closer to us a few still smiling at Salim and 7amanni who were enjoying every step those girls took towards us

And i didn't blame them

The wind blew her sweet scent right to my nostrils. She walked in front of me looking at me with the small corner of her beautiful eye and hiding her smile

As soon as they were far enough away , we heard 3bdelmajeed break into his unforgettable oldie ' Tente'6er kilmat a7ibbak .. '

All the guys suddenly whistled and laughed " a5aaaaih " 3bdallah said shaking his head with a smile " Ma dagait 3al 7ob el youm "

" Yaaaa5ee e7sas ! tkfa Whayyib sallifnee ! " Salim shouted over to me and 7amanni laughed

3ammar was having the usual dumb look on his face , as if he was too cool or too mature to act like the rest of us , when he really wasn't ! which was the funniest thing about it. Having a wife as a best friend and a soul-mate was enough for him and i knew deep inside he was thinking about her .. missing her ..

See the beauty of an old song is not only that it represents a deep beautiful meaning , but that it carries with it a certain memory to each heart that listens to it

We see millions of people having tastes in different forms of art and music. Even though they're looking at the same painting or listening to the same melody , Their impressions , memories and thoughts are all different somehow and i loved that

The meat was finally getting done and our appetites were all too excited. The night came to an end and we all turned in ready for a long drive home the next day

The next morning Salim managed to make a fast breakfast. We were all running around trying to check our bags before we leave , hooking the Jets to our cars and making sure we didn't forget anything

3bdallah ,7amanni and 3ammar were out back putting everything in the car , arguing of course or laughing at whatever stupid thing they said ..

When Suddenly they all went silent , i wondered what had happened but i was too busy eating Salim's fresh made eggs

I tried to grab my plate and went outside to see what was going on , but all i saw was a car leaving and my 3 best friends stood there dumbfounded just staring at it

" What's going on ? " I asked as i put a mouthful of eggs in my mouth, 7amanni just hit my chest without looking at me when i realized he was holding a piece of paper

" Shno hatha? " He didn't answer me and didn't bother to look , he and 3ammar still looked like they were hypnotized by a stage magician and 3bdallah was grinning at me

I took the paper and gave him my plate , when i read the name on it my mind was in complete shut down

It was from Shai5a

" We didn't see her drop it off , we only saw them drive away when you got here " 3bdallah explained " She has it BAD for you , bro ! "

" Tell me about it , a5er wrega kitbat'ha mortii 7agi kanat listat el jam3eya " 3ammar was saying

" I need to get myself a girlfriend man " 7amanni was saying

" You already have Lalii " 3ammar told him and 3bdallah laughed hard

" I never got you as the cheating type, 7mayyin " I said

" Lalii is his Lamborghini " 3ammar gave me a serious look

" Hey " 7manni said with a warning tone " 7addik 3ad that's my baby "

" What's up?!" Salim finally came out

" Whayyib's girl just left him a letter " 7amanni explained

" WHAT?!! Dude ! " He jumped at me and looked at it

" Eg3ad Zeer el nesa2 " He winked

We all got in our cars and i decided to read the letter on the way ..

I hesitated before opening it. I was thinking if she had changed her mind ..

If she finally wrote her number on that paper ..

I finally opened it and began reading silently

Dear AbdulWahab ,

I wanted to thank you for the wonderful time you made me experience. I enjoyed the pleasure of your company and i really hope to see you again. I wrote you this in case i don't , but i have a feeling that i will. I can feel it!

I wish you the best ,


A smile ran across my mouth as i closed the letter , 3bdallah looked at me and i knew what he was thinking

" Dare i say you're liking her more than you thought you would? "

I laughed and shook my head " She just showed up in my life out of nowhere .."

" They usually do my man , and your life is just never the same once they're in it" he said reminiscing and i laughed at him

The boy just went through so much in the ladies and love area , and i wasn't surprised. It had been his expertise since we were in kindergarten !

It all started when a little girl named Ameena gave him a cookie , he just wasn't the same , I think that was his first love

We arrived at the house and were greeted by my aunt Nadia who was thrilled we finally came home

" Lulu was just asking about you , she'll be thrilled once she knows you're back " She told me and i smiled

I couldn't believe it , but i actually missed her tea parties

And i can never blame 3baid for being addicted to those cupcakes , they're just insane!

" Wahabiiiiiiiiiii ! " I heard a little shrieking voice call me from the very top of the long staircase

I turned around to see a tiny little figure managing to skip a few steps to get down as soon as possible

Before i knew it , her tiny hands were wrapped around my knees tightly " You're back!"

I picked her up and kissed her cheek " yes i am. I missed you "

" We should celebrate , i have cupcakes upstairs " She told me

" Adree ma te5lain , it's like you read my mind "

" Hey what about me? don't i get a kiss? " 3bdallah stood in protest , she giggled and pulled his neck to kiss him

" I will offer you cupcakes this time , but only if you promise to kiss miss pink piggy , you hurt her feelings last time "

I looked at him confused as i put Lulu down , " Pink furry thing .. got lost with my socks .. long story " He whispered

" 5al aroo7 agoul 7g el 5adam yzahboun '3orafkom " Aunt Nadia announced

Man, it's good to be back


Once upon a lie 14

Sorry i took so long again guys! Bas jam3a bedaaaat w ente5abaat w looyaa ;( bas hope this post is long enough for you guys 3ashan testansoon ;p

Walah a7ibkooooom ;* Sorry again !

Hope you enjoy thiiiis w tell me what you think !



I slept like a baby that night. The fact that i was spending more time with her made me feel good. The girl had a vibe .. An Aura surrounding her , you know what those weird psychologists always say ' that a person carries positive energy? and that person may carry his/her energy to effect others around him/her ?'. I think that's what happened to me when i met her.

I woke up and found that 7amanni ,Salim and 3bdallah went out to Sul6an to get some stuff and 3ammar was still sleeping. I went straight up to the porch and just as i had hoped , she was there.

I stood there for a little while watching her gracefully dancing through the water and found myself in a daze. I hurried to the shore and jumped in slowly arriving at where she was floating beautifully, she suddenly gasped and flipped herself under

" Ambai! " She popped up again holding her hand close to her chest " Wayed 5eft! WAYED! " She took some time to breathe and looked at me with piercing eyes " 3bdelwahab .. "

And i found myself acting like a fool again , i couldn't help it .. It happened every time she mentioned my name

" You can't sneak up on people like that "

" I wasn't trying to scare anyone " I said as gently as possible, i honestly wasn't !

She frowned and looked away breathing slowly " feel free to scare me when we're actually on solid ground , i watched Jaws yesterday and am not a fan! stupid Lamia made me watch it. I hate her now .. this .. not even Mcdonald's could fix " There it is , the non step blabbing i was a sucker for. I smiled at her not really knowing what to say

" WhaT?" She asked

" You know sharks couldn't possibly BE at this part of sea right? "

" YOU watch that stupid movie and tell me how YOU react when you take a swim alone and someone sneaks up behind you "

" Am .. sorry? " I tried to say but my face wasn't helping , I was still amused by her genuine reaction

But before i said anything else , she disappeared again under water and i found myself looking left and right to see where she went

I remembered the other day at the beach when i saw her suddenly jump and went right after her ..

I remembered how scared i was for her , i had no idea why ..

I looked again and again and that feeling wasn't nice at all , i didn't like looking for people .. or things for that matter, because after some point you freak out and your senses start being overworked.

When i was 10 i lost my Ultimate Battlefield crafty yoyo my dad had got me from a mini mart. ALL my friends had one of those things and we'd use them in the shower if our parents said we could. I lost mine one day and missed out on an important match with my other buddies only to find that it was under my bed the whole time, so all my crying and anger was for nothing. After that i decided i HATED looking for stuff .

I knew it was silly , that there was no need for me to act like that, She was just playing around .. But memories came flooding in and i didn't like them to ..

I could't help what i was feeling and my reaction was uncontrollable. But at just the right time her pretty head popped out again behind me forming a mischievous lovely smile on it " See? told you it doesn't feel nice "

I smiled , god if only you knew what happened to me just now , i thought.

" You're right , am sorry "

" So why are you up at this hour ? " She asked as she flew by me again , swimming rhythmically in a circle around me

" I told you i wanted to see you "

I could see her smiling , It's been a while since i put so much effort in when i liked a girl .. It felt crazy weird , but still nice

It was worth it , i mean .. if only you looked at her

The way she was at ease moving in the water , the grace she had , the rhythm .. All indicated that she wasn't just swimming for fun. Her actions showed a lot more than that

" You swim beautifully " I told her

She swam a little closer to me then stopped when her face met mine " Thank you " She said meeting my gaze , her cheeks were burning i could tell but she tried so hard to hide it

" It's what i live for .. " Her hand ran across the surface of water then she looked back up at me " I won a golden medal once , but i never got in any contest again after that "

" Why not? "

She just smiled awkwardly and looked away at the horizon again , i didn't want to pressure her so i just changed the subject " The weather is perfect today "

" Yeah , " She turned her head to where i was looking and i took the chance to steal a glance at her again ..

I just couldn't look away , she was breathtaking

Her black hair was even shinier under the rays of the sun , her matching eyes were twinkling fighting drops of pure shiny water on her face

I never saw much of that back in Canada , everything was different here. The girls couldn't be more lovely over there , they seriously couldn't. but this ..

I remembered characters from Arabian nights , the beautiful women who made men go crazy over them ..

My friends back there told me they'd kill for an Arab featured girl with black hair , dark eyes and a caramel complexion to match , and now i knew what they meant.

She caught me again staring at her , but i just smiled. If she knew she had that effect on me so be it , i didn't mind ..

" Do you mind if i ask you a question ? "

" Sure go ahead "

" May i .. please take you to lunch? " my voice was hopeful

I saw her face turn red with surprise , but then she smiled

" 3bdelWahab .. " She began " i don't know about the whole going out part , " Her face fell " am not used to that sort of thing "

I was a little disappointed then. Okay ,very
disappointed . But she was right , i couldn't just offer something like that to her , she barely knew me

" But i'd love to sit down for a picnic on the beach with you "

My heart instantly went back to it's regular beating ,Before i could react " McDonald's is what i live for "

I found myself laughing , Man

I think i just found the perfect girl

" So McDonald's it is. I'll be at your Shalaih's porch at 2 ?"

" Perfect "

She disappeared again before i could say another word , i watched her run out of the sea and grab her towel.

Then she was gone again

I hated for her to go , to run away on me like that .. But i had a certain pleasure of watching her, even when she was leaving ..

I waited at her porch as planned , after i told the guys what happened they went crazy on me

3bdallah thought it was a great idea and offered to come with me to prepare for our picnic, 7amanni told me to ask if the color on one of the cars near Shai5a's Shalaih was custom made , Salim gave me some Gel i couldn't really use on my crew cut and was going to come with me and Shai5a if 3bdallah hadn't punched him

And 3ammar .. He said i reminded him of the good old days. But said that the beauty of marriage , is that you can have dates whenever you want without appointments with the woman you love

I was wearing a dark Abercrombie shirt and jeans , Salim thought shorts were going to be an understatement of the evening ..

God knows what THAT means

So in a short while she showed up , wearing a nice white sun-dress that made her skin glow , her hair was down and decorated with big nice waves pulling up only the first two strands on each side of her head

" Good afternoon " i said as she approached me

" Good afternoon to you too " I didn't know whether to concentrate on her captivating scent or her pure voice " Shall we go ? "

She nodded gently and i took her to a nice nearby spot away from all the busyness of the Shalaih's

A baby blue mat me and 3bdallah got from Sultan's lay at ease on the sand and big McD's paper bags were lined there too

" After you " I gestured for her to sit , she giggled and sat before me

" I didn't know what you liked , so i picked up a few of my favorites .. I hope it's not much "

" When it's McDonald's theres no such thing as too much food "

A girl who loves the sea and food?! i think am in love

" I got you ice cream too , i hope it didn't melt yet "

" Let's start with it then ! " She suddenly said excited

I stopped and looked at her surprised and amused at the same time " Start with ice cream before real food? "

" Dessert is ALWAYS more fun before the real meal , plus life is too short man! "

I laughed and pulled out 2 Oreo McFlurries " Thank you " She said and took one from me hand

" So , do you do this often ? " She asked

" Do what? " I said after taking a mouthful of ice cream in my mouth

" Do picnics on the beach with girls and buy them all of McDonald's Summer stock ?"

I laughed , " Not really , no. Am not really that guy "

She gulped " Really ?! "

" Really "

" And .. your ex didn't mind? "

It was a little painful to hear about Kenzii as my ex , but i sucked it up for Shai5a's sake and answered politely " We weren't exactly that sort of couple "

" No movies, no sharing popcorn and no long walks on the beach? "

I shook my head with a smile , " You really do watch a lot of movies , don't you? "

" Not Jaws .. " She shook her head " God knows i won't watch THAT stupid movie ever again " She looked at the Sea and her body shivered

I laughed " It's okay , i guess i can take a few sharks down "

" Wah! Mr. big head "

" Better , i been Mr. big muscle for way too long it won't hurt to change " i winked at her

She laughed " You're unbelievable "

" What about you ? Dora the explorer ! what .. you want to travel over to the north pole and save Penguins now ? "

She looked at me in a funny way " Okay , i won't even ask how you know that show "

I smiled remembering little Lulu , i missed that little thing and i had to say i owe her alot

I mean , the girl introduced me to a whole new culture on TV !

I couldn't wait to see her tomorrow , wait! we're going back tomorrow

My heart sunk at the thought of it , means i won't be able to see Shai5a sitting out on the sand or swimming around ..

I won't be able to steal a sneak peak at her face whenever i wanted to

" So , when are you going back to the city? " i asked reaching for the other bag to take out our Sandwiches

" Tomorrow i think "

" Us too " i nodded

" Shai5a .. " I hesitated before i asked

" hmm? " She looked up at me

" Do you mind if i gave you my number? "

She almost choked " What did .. did i say something wrong? " i asked again

She giggled " No , But why do you want to give me your number ?"

" So we can call each other ? " I shrugged , " You DO use a mobile right? you don't think it's against humanity or that it's going to turn into a Robot and kill you or something , do you? "

" Whaat?! Why would it do that it's a machine ! "

" Did you NOT watch I-robot? "

" There's a movie too ! " Her voice was a little too loud , okay .. there was a little possibility she was going to freak out on me

She put her hand on her forehead , closed her eyes and sighed " Dear god , there are a whole lot of movies i been saved from , thank you so much "

I would've laughed if i didn't find it too darn cute , i just kept thinking when would this girl stop amazing me?

We continued eating our meal and i truly and utterly enjoyed her company more than food itself , which was a huge miracle ..

She had Ideas about the world that no one's ever thought of , she had meanings for words i could never understand ..

But i liked that about her

After we were done , we took a long walk ..

Which she enjoyed , because she wanted to ' introduce me to the world i never knew ' as she said it , since i wasn't ' that guy '

I didn't say she wasn't weird .. Shai5a was beautifully weird

And i absolutely loved every single second i spent with her

I walked her to her Shalaih at last , " So .. You're not going to give me your phone numbeR? " I asked

I saw her smile mischievously , she lowered her head and moved closer to me " I'll tell you what .. am sure you'll come back here with your friends soon , and i will too. If we're meant to see each other again here at the exact same spot we first saw each other , then we'll see where we go from there. Then , i'll be more than glad to give you my number "

I stood there startled after being rejected for the first time in my life, even when it wasn't rejection .. not really ..

But something inside me told me to wait , to listen to her

To believe her and go with it

I found myself smiling

" We leave tomorrow morning " She told me " But in case i don't see you .. " She moved even closer to me and her head was only a few inches from the side of mine

She moved a little next to my ear and i could sense her breath " Thank you for everything , 3bdelWahab " She whispered to me

And then again , she disappeared

I stood there not being able to move , that girl had a spell on me and i had no idea how to break it


Once upon a lie 13

I was very intrigued. I couldn't wait to see a glimpse of her again , i wanted to talk to her, to feel her presence. I wanted to know what she's doing ..

Aside from making homes for turtles and learning childish skills , i wanted to know.

Her dazzling picture never seemed to leave my head , i always ended up with a silly smile on my face having 3baid throw a pillow at me,

" I don't blame you though , " He had said " i had the exact same face on lama sheft el 7ob "

He thought it'd be a good idea if i tried to make something more out of those coincidences i shared with her and it made me think , after all .. we were leaving the Shalaih the day after tomorrow

I wasn't sure if i could go through with it though ,it'd be the first girl am serious about after Kenzii ..

I was sitting alone on the porch of the shalaih when i saw her walk out of hers' , and an instant buzz went through my stomach

As soon as i left my seat she turned her head to me , the same beautiful blush decorating her lifted cheeks " hey .. " i greeted

" hey .. " her hands dipped in the pockets of her hoodie , the wind blowing through her hair

" So .. you solved the broken glass problem ? " I asked

" yes " She smiled making herself a comfortable seat on the soft sand beneath her , i hesitated as i saw her sitting there gently with her legs crossed close to her chest , i couldn't help but join her

" Why aren't you in bed? " I asked

She suddenly shrugged lifting her shoulders " couldn't sleep .. "

I nodded , knowing exactly how that feels

" I just love coming out here .. " She was saying " I love the sea breeze going through my hair , the smell of it and the feel of sand between my toes " She enhaled deeply

Boy , I was sure the sea didn't mind her being there either

I had to admit , i wasn't paying as much attention to the sea as i was staring at her. She snapped me out of it by turning her face to me , expecting me to say something

" I .. used to live in Canada so i didn't get to experience much of all this .. "

" Oh " She nodded sounding interested " How long have you been there for? "

" Almost 9 years "

" Wow that's a long time "

" Yeah , but am glad to be home again .. "

" What do you miss most of all ? " She asked her eyes twinkling as she looked at me

" My friends and family here mostly .. " I answered honestly , " i was there alone with my father "

She nodded " what about your mother? "

" She .. isn't with us .. " I told her , " She's living somewhere else " I tried to explain , not liking to go through much detail about the issue

She understood and smiled sweetly " I live with my father too , my mother passed away 3 years ago .. " she told me

" Am so sorry "

" Don't be , at least your mother is still here somewhere. Do you contact her? "

Her question took me by surprise " No. Never did and i doubt that i will "

She seemed almost hurt by my blunt answer " It was a long time ago .. she didn't want to be with us "

Her face fell , " I just don't get it .. " her voice was small

" A mother never abandons her child or family by will .. There must have been a reason "

Yeah , another rich man .. I thought but decided to leave it out

" Well you should contact her , it's never too late .. am sure she'd be glad to hear from you "

I barely knew this girl and here she was giving me advice and telling me how to handle my life. Normally i would just shake my head and tell the person to mind his own business , shutting him up by the rudest ways possible..

But i knew better when it came to talking to a lady. Besides, I had an impulse to listen to every word she had to say , and i wasn't angry with her. Not even a little bit.

I was more than glad to listen to her

" Tell me more about youself " I told her enjoying every second that passed us by

" Let's see .. " She began " am 21 and i still hadn't decided what college am gona attend. Instead i try to learn as much as possible from attending various classes and seminars held in different places "

" That's .. something .." I said with a smile , she looked like the girl who had all her life perfectly planned and decided , i was surprised when she told me that.

" See my mother always said it's not what you study , it's what you learn. You try to learn about life and it's surroundings ,from every aspect. You try to hear what each person has to say .. you try to understand and accept every persons' idea about things and broaden your mind range. That's why i never stick to anything in particular , i think i still need more time .. i want to know more .. i want to be ready for college when it starts , when i finally decide what i want to be involved in "

" Wow, you don't hear that alot. " I told her " My excuse is way worse .. "

" You don't go to college? "

" No. i did went to several but .. college and i just didn't suite .. " I told her , i found that good enough explanation for now. I didn't want her to know my bad side just yet. At least for now , i'll keep that part of me hidden until am ready to talk about it all

She nodded understanding perfectly , being polite enough not to ask more.

" What else? "

She smiled at me " Am all for saving animals but am not a hippy like most people think. But .. i laugh every time i see a fly coz i think they're dumb and the idea of mosquitoes sucking my blood terrifies me , it makes me think of vampires existence. I love the sea and all its' attachments , i started swimming at 7 and i won 2 golden medals. Which is funny because i suck at all other sports .. " She bit her lip as if she just admitted a deep dark secret that she wasn't supposed to tell to a single soul

I smiled at her. " i don't watch the news .. they just .. irritate me. They tell you everything bad that's happening around you and honestly, i don't want to know! " She suddenly lifted her hands in the air

I seriously admired her for admitting all of this in only a few seconds , the girl had a personality bigger than Mars. She was impossible to blend in with a crowd ..

She was just something .. different

" You think am weird , don't you ? " She suddenly said pouting at me , i thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world

" What?! No ! no i think .. i think you're .. just perfect "

I saw her blush and look away quickly. Even i was surprised from what came out of my mouth

I didn't mean to be like that with her. It wasn't meant as a line or a flirt .. I just felt like i had to say it. Like , everything in me agreed that it was true

" That's not fair , you didn't tell me about yourself " She suddenly looked up at me

I smiled , " There isn't much to tell really , " I began , " I lived in Canada all those years and i now am came back to my family and friends .. i never been happier " I said quickly remembering Kenzii

How happy i was with her ..

How she was everything i liked living for ..

" But you sound so sad when you mention it .. " She tilted her pretty head to take a good look at me , her features shining more beautifully than the starts above me " Do you regret leaving? "

" No no .. am actually glad i left , " I said " I just didn't want to stay anymore " I looked away at Sea trying to keep my mind from thinking about the details of my departure

" There was a girl , wasn't there? " She said it so gently , i didn't feel angry or offended at all , I felt an urge to say more

" Yeah. Yes there was " I nodded

" Well , " She shrugged not knowing what to say " it's okay .. it doesn't have to be a sad ending "

" It .. is a sad ending "

She stopped and looked at me " She passed away a couple' years ago " I explained

I could sense her face fall and her heart beat louder , she lifted her face up again trying to search for the right words

" It's okay. I know it's hard to lose a loved one. " Her voice was too beautiful to resist " I lost one too , it gets easier with time i promise. It doesn't become okay and normal .. it just gets .. better "

I looked at her with a smile on my face , but she still wasn't smiling. She was too hurt for me i could feel it

" I came here in search of a new life , a good life .. " I began saying again

" Far away from the one i had before , God knows it wasn't perfect. I just want it different this time , i want it better "

" Why what did you do , rob banks or something? " She smiled

" Something like that " I winked at her

" People just have this .. idea about me." I continued " They could sense am trouble , it's enough to scare them away even if i don't intend to "

" Well , you don't scare me 3bdelwahab "

She said that name and i felt my heart stop for a while.

My name just had a whole new meaning , a whole new sound to it

I did love every word that got out of her mouth , But THIS i wanted to hear again and again ..

I looked deeply into her eyes , not minding to be hypnotized by them over and over , until she broke it and looked at her watch " I should get going "

Don't go , I wanted to say. But it was late ..

" Alright. walk you to your Shalaih ? " I offered , knowing it sounded stupid since it was 10 steps away from mine , but i offered anyway

She blushed " Sure "

We walked in silence until we reached it , " Will i see you tomorrow? " I asked

" Am gona have an early swim .. " She gave me the most irresistible look

But before i could give her an answer , " Goodnight 3bdelwahab, I had a lovely time talking to you "

And there it is again! i was numb again

I couldn't move and no word managed to escape my mouth. She left me standing there like a fool who had cubes of ice thrown on his head