
Hello ! ;*

Greetings loved ones !

OH EMM GEEEE i miss the blog and i miss you guys so muuuuuch ;(

Okay so remember my soul searching thing ? lol that's why i laid low these past weeks , my BBM is off .. i don't come online that often ..

No am not going crazy or Amish or anything ;p i just needed to get away from all the technology lol ( shda3wa 3lay ! )

La 3ad wallah its good shwayya y3ny , anyway !! mbarak 3laikom el shahaaaar w allah ytqabal min el kil enshalllaaah w hopefully soon soon sooooon i'll write you a new story !

To all my lovely lovely followers and anonymous readers thank you all so much for your kind words walah a7ebkom and am glad you like what i have to say ..

Like i promised enshallah i'll be back to write more i just don't know when , if you have any comments .. ideas or whatever please don't be shy ;p

Love you all w taqabal allah enshalah



  1. I hope I'm FIRST?
    Waaaaaay You've been missed WAYED ;*
    Walah I love this blog SO MUCH!
    You write the most adorable stories ely menkthr ma eshawgoun weyanon 3ady achy! Walaah honestly!
    I always tell everyone "your so gay and mushy" *them not you;p* bas infact your blog makes me feel like that! AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE iT!
    Walaah lazm add shwaya "mush" in the Kuwaiti life :p
    Loool I'm blabbing ignore me hehehe ;)

  2. i missed u wayed ya3ni hal kber (SPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE) see wayed space i need ur gr8 stories with their gr8 pics can't wait till u post soon seriously i can't wait ^^ love u xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxox

  3. 3aleena w 3aleech..
    w minna w minnich!!

    w looking forward for your next story!!
    and miss you :)

    My only suggestion ina you post bser3a ;p



    BTW GREAT IDEA NO TECHNOLOGY .....9adgini ra7at baaaaaaaaaaaaaaal....marah i did it for one day wallah kent 7adi merta7aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....i7sas mu 6abi3i...

    i should do that again lol...

    sha5bar rmathan weyach?

    i love u and miss u 7ail
